Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Peace Poles at Fuji Sanctuary, Japan and other parts of the world

Peace Poles come in a variety of forms; some are moulded and printed, some have pre-made plaques, others have printing on a painted or lacquered surface, they can be hand drawn and infinite variations only limited by the imagination. All of these poles bear the Universal Peace Message, "MAY PEACE PREVAIL ON EARTH' in whatever languages desired.

 Peace Pole path at Fuji Sanctuary
 Peace Pole path overlooking the Prayer Field with all nation's flags
 Peace Pole on Prayer Hill, overlooking Mt Fuji

A very colourful Peace Pole at Fuji Sanctuary
 Peace Pole made with plaques on timber in a home backyard in Perth
 The other side of the Perth PP
 The Aussie contingent at Sengen Jinja in the Lake Kawaguchiko area
 Peace Pole at Chrysanne's
View of PP, looking out to sea at Johanna

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