Sunday, September 11, 2016

PEACE POLES in Teesdale, Victoria

Peace Poles on the Walking Path/Garden – 6th September 2016
I visited the Teesdale Peace Pole park and walk just outside the store and school. Five Peace Poles are planted in a beautiful setting where children and adults walk to and from school, or just for a stroll on a walking path. Peter Clapinski made the poles and they were 'planted' quite a while ago, but I'd never been to see them.
The languages represented on these poles are Scottish, Persian, Irish, Sudanese, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Maltese, Mandarin, Vietnamese, Japanese, Philippine, English, Main give peace a chance, Wathaurong, German, Croatian, Serbian and Hungarian.
The Wathaurong was ‘Mok barra tjarra ngitj ba ngawirring, tjarra ngitj.

It was a glorious day out in the countryside, blessed by golden fields of canola.

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